Homecoming this year was like the homecomings of olden times. Although the weather was inclimate (raining off and on), it did not dampen the spirits of the good sized crowd that was in attendance. The fact that we beat Lincoln University 78 to 13 of course lifted our spirits mightily. 

During the National Alumni Association meeting and brunch we were entertained by a small but very good jazz ensemble of students. The full sized band and majorettes entertained us during half time and during the game. They were hot!

What impressed me most were the students' behavior on campus; they were out in large numbers and happy. There were student groups milling around a lot of tents selling stuff, and after the game they congregated around the Barco Stevens building, dancing and cheering to the band's rocking sounds. The campus was alive and throbbing, exactly what you would expect on Homecoming!  In past years my experience was that not many students were out on campus before and/or after the game. Most of the people on campus were alumni or the AARP folks, as once referred to by a younger alumnus. Many alumni shared my thoughts about the campus mood and credited Dr. Perkins, VUU President for the changed atmosphere. He really goes out of his way to make the students feel good about themselves and being at VUU; it shows! Dr. Perkins invited contributing alumni to his tent on the football end zone to partake of hot food and beverages.

I also visited the new learning center/building and one of the resident students allowed me to see her room. The rooms have kitchenette area with a microwave and small refrigerator, a small living room area along with the separate bedroom and bathroom areas. The outside living room has large comfy chairs and a giant screen TV on the wall. (A huge difference from my living quarters in Huntley and Hartshorn Halls).

The National Alumni Association Homecoming Dance was held at the Crown Plaza. There was a large buffet table in front of the TWO halls for the dance. The buffet table was full of fresh fruits, cold cuts, bread and drinks.

The dance halls were decorated nicely in maroon and grey. One hall had a deejay, the other had a band and singing group. As I lingered, alumni and students were arriving, looking very well dressed and ready for a good time. It was a superb weekend and I look forward to Homecoming 2015.

Submitted by Ruth Jackson

Posted on November 24, 2014 .