Hip Hop 50: Who’s in Hip Hop’s next Rap tier?

We are currently still a decade later in the later stages of the Cole Kendrick Drake rap tier. But as that chapter I so beloved eventually passes the baton, what is not discuss enough is who’s the baton being passed to? A lot of great talent and various rap lanes. Who’s that next crop that will continue to hold the legacy hip hop?

Saba, Megan Thee Stallion, Rapsody JID, among others are some of the new dope MCs that are going to stand out in 2022-2023 and take that next leap in the rap tier. Could be the next lineage. Like that elite rap lineage mentioned earlier.

I’m excited for them to step fourth and grab the throne.

Just a lot of good storylines to check our in the next 50 years.

Posted on September 9, 2023 .

The Negelcted Other Side of Karma

Karma: (noun) - Destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.

Now when you read that definition and think about the word karma, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Was it something negative? Was it a moment when someone did something to you and your first thought was “Karma’s going to bite you back for that, you just wait”? Well whatever you thought of I’m sure it came from a negative place based off the word itself. I don’t believe people realize that karma can also be used and identified in a positive light or outcome. I believe people, society, media, etc. doesn’t glorify the positive connotation of the word because we are becoming an impatient society where positive results or outcome often takes longer to occur or be acknowledge compared to a negative outcome or acknowledgment. We are so quick to criticize and thrive for a bad outcome to happen when we are hurt in all phases of life. Example, think about your last relationship, you cheated on your significant other, now you know you weren’t expecting to get caught but karma made sure you suffered in some manner, right? Or you were cheated on and you wanted badly for that person to suffer from the pain you have endured. So when is the last time you heard of good karma present in a relationship career, etc. Per Example, you do right by your significant other…… no present or visible outcome occurs, yes maybe the good karma was or will be that you will live a great life with that person, but even that’s not guaranteed, because fall-outs happen. But Good karma does exist in giving back. Results of good karma in this manner typically are in unexpected and un-expecting blessings you’ll never see coming. I just hope Good Karma is mentioned more in the world and not so much on bad karma! Positivity should be the most shed light! Not the darkness of Negativity.

Posted on August 4, 2017 .

Black Girl Magic with a sparkle of Panther Pride Pep talk

The Sheppard sisters Tai, Brooke and Rainn, along with mother Tonia Handy reflect on the road to the Junior Olympics. The family at times had to stay in homeless shelters and reveals how Jean Bell's Track Club changed their lives.

The Link for this wonderful story is Here -> The View Welcomes Junior Olympians The Sheppard Sisters, Tonia Handy and Coach Jean Bell

When I first started my new Job at a Charter School back in may, One of our teachers sent out an email regarding two students who were raising money to go the Junior Olympics in Texas. Without hesitation I donated and wanted to meet Tai and Rainn Sheppard to tell them my story about going to the Junior Olympics. It was pleasure to witness how humbled and mature these girls were with their unfortunate circumstance. I gladly donated some Virginia Union bags,sporting bottles, wristbands etc and told them “The Sky isn’t the limit for you, Go run towards your dreams!” So proud of these three ladies, their mother and the undeniable courage and humility they have. I look forward to following and continuing to support their journeys in life!

Posted on January 14, 2017 .

Supporting Your Friend's Relationships

I’m an advocate for letting my friends go through the good and bad in their relationships. We all have those friends who constantly complains about the same thing and still continues to stay. You have to allow them to complain and vent to you. Eventually they’ll get to a breaking point where they will no longer want to endure that annoyance in their relationship. They’ll finally see their worth and learn a valuable lesson about self love. Its your job as their friend to continue to be there in support of them no matter what decisions they make, even if you get frustrated with telling them the same thing each time or with the person they dealing with. Now of course if any abuse is occurring in their relationship please get him/her out of that situation. I believe you shouldn’t talk bad about your friend’s mate. All of that bashing you’re doing just makes your friend gravitate more towards them. Acknowledge of course how their mate is wrong. Also and most importantly point out the mistakes they themselves have made as well. Don’t be a yes man/woman. Be that friend who truly wants the best for them and their happiness. Be blunt to them and not sugar coat things to lessen the blow. 

Posted on March 28, 2016 .

So You Were Not Offered The Job and No Feedback as to Why? Now What?

I’ve always speculated why during the interview process for a job and once you are denied that job you do not receive feedback and/or constructive criticism explaining why truly weren’t offered the position? Instead of receiving typical cliché’ statements like...“We have reviewed your resume and have carefully considered your qualifications. While your skills are certainly impressive, we have decided to pursue other candidates for this position.” (Clearly they weren’t that impressive enough to gain the job.) Why not receive realistic points they recommend we work on for the next interview with another employer?

Remember throughout your schooling years you would receive your essay, exams and projects back and you would get some short or long notes explaining the mistakes you made and what you should do for next time? I feel this should be applied in the corporate world. While yes at the end of the day it is a competition and should not be an employer’s job for us to figure it out, but I was already denied the job so by telling me what I need to improve on would not hinder any damage to the company itself.

No one wants to make the same mistake that costs them a job at these interviews. How would we know what to improve on if we don’t know what mistakes we’re making? Please Feel Free to chime in on this matter!


Posted on June 3, 2015 .


Homecoming this year was like the homecomings of olden times. Although the weather was inclimate (raining off and on), it did not dampen the spirits of the good sized crowd that was in attendance. The fact that we beat Lincoln University 78 to 13 of course lifted our spirits mightily. 

During the National Alumni Association meeting and brunch we were entertained by a small but very good jazz ensemble of students. The full sized band and majorettes entertained us during half time and during the game. They were hot!

What impressed me most were the students' behavior on campus; they were out in large numbers and happy. There were student groups milling around a lot of tents selling stuff, and after the game they congregated around the Barco Stevens building, dancing and cheering to the band's rocking sounds. The campus was alive and throbbing, exactly what you would expect on Homecoming!  In past years my experience was that not many students were out on campus before and/or after the game. Most of the people on campus were alumni or the AARP folks, as once referred to by a younger alumnus. Many alumni shared my thoughts about the campus mood and credited Dr. Perkins, VUU President for the changed atmosphere. He really goes out of his way to make the students feel good about themselves and being at VUU; it shows! Dr. Perkins invited contributing alumni to his tent on the football end zone to partake of hot food and beverages.

I also visited the new learning center/building and one of the resident students allowed me to see her room. The rooms have kitchenette area with a microwave and small refrigerator, a small living room area along with the separate bedroom and bathroom areas. The outside living room has large comfy chairs and a giant screen TV on the wall. (A huge difference from my living quarters in Huntley and Hartshorn Halls).

The National Alumni Association Homecoming Dance was held at the Crown Plaza. There was a large buffet table in front of the TWO halls for the dance. The buffet table was full of fresh fruits, cold cuts, bread and drinks.

The dance halls were decorated nicely in maroon and grey. One hall had a deejay, the other had a band and singing group. As I lingered, alumni and students were arriving, looking very well dressed and ready for a good time. It was a superb weekend and I look forward to Homecoming 2015.

Submitted by Ruth Jackson

Posted on November 24, 2014 .

African American Day Parade: A Losing Legacy

September 21st 2014  was the Annual African American Day Parade in  Harlem, New York. This year once again I was not aware of the actual date for the event. Now I knew there is one annually but I have not heard any promotion this year in the form of flyers, radio, news outlets nor word of mouth. I remember as a kid growing up, it was a tradition and an honor to attend the parade. The event historically was fulfilled with entertainment, with the end result of gaining a great history lesson and just a sense of cohesiveness within our community. I remember when the floats were full of the richness of our culture whether it was the infamous Morgan State University Marching Band performing their fight songs, all of the various African rhythmic performers, cheerleading squads from various grammar schools and organizations; as well as famous civil rights activists strolling along the 30-block radius of culture called Harlem. This pageantry reminded us as a whole where we came from and to continue as African Americans to push our culture to the forefront of society. But those days are long gone now and the current fixture of the parade today is just another day with more senseless violence within the community as of late and the lack of enthusiasm from the folk within our culture and common folk outside of it . Part of the blame is clearly within ourselves as African Americans because we as a whole should want to celebrate our lineage to have others appreciate our lineage. It’s very appalling to hear African Americans who are of non-Caribbean decent be more enthusiastic about various other parades within New York City throughout the year than their own. We love to support the Puerto Rican and Dominican Parades because of the endless parties and sexual promotion they offer. Part of the blame as well goes to the media; it’s disappointing when other parades receive a plethora of promotion including sponsorships from larger corporations. It’s sad when the gay, Irish, West Indian, etc. parades receive all the promotion and sponsorships, but our own parade is the unknown and underappreciated parade. Seems like no one loves being black anymore and that’s very disheartening! We have to do better, but we say this all the time, but the real question is when is it really going to happen? A solution could be to change the perception of our parade and embrace it with urgency or soon the parade will be no more.


So what do you fine Ladies and Gentlemen suggest we do to bring back the passion for our own parade?  Should more community leaders in general; get involved with the parade functions and promotion? Is this a lost cause already and should focus on larger matters to rectify?  Let’s spark the conversation!



Posted on September 29, 2014 .

My Brother's Keeper Initiative, Symbolic or Substantial?

Earlier this year, President Obama unveiled the "My Brother's Keeper" Initiative to address the opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color; to ensure that young people can reach their full potential. In other words, "Helping our young people stay on track".

Some key indicators of this Tasks Force initiative are as follows:

  • Entering school ready to learn
  • Reading at grade level by the 3rd grade
  • Graduating from HS ready for college & career

  • Completing post-secondary education or training
  • Entering the workforce and
  • Reducing violence & providing a second chance

Now that you have some facts, let's have some discussion. Why after six years in office is President Obama now addressing and/or acknowledging the needs of Black people? Is this initiative about his legacy as a president or is it something more? Let's look a little deeper, this initiative addresses black boys and young men only; what about the exclusion of young Black women? Do we revert back to the days when women take pride in finding a husband, get pregnant and go back to the kitchen? Let's be honest we probably wouldn't revert back to that exact scenario because many women are dating other women, its becoming increasingly difficult to identify the young women from the men. There are young women in our communities that are more menacing than the young men. There are young men swishing around like women; we have a sexuality crisis on our hands that affect both our young men and women. It will be detrimental to our communities to leave any one group behind. They are both being shot down in the streets and considered less than human.

This initiative is also being co-lead by Magic Johnson, really? As I look at you with a blank disturbed stare; moving on. The program focuses on schooling & tutoring but doesn't address the discrimination baked into the criminal justice system. There is no policy change to keep our young men from being harassed & gunned down by the same people who are supposed to serve and protect them. 

What about addressing jobs, job training, free education, and income inequality in this initiative? Matching foundations with corporations will not change the condition of black people in America. How does giving charitable dollars intended to help Black boys to white organizations help? The community needs to get the resources to run the programs. This program lacks the grassroots leadership and under-representation of Black organizations & agencies... Failing to include these stakeholders undermines the integrity of the initiative.

So in conclusion, it looks symbolic to me; what do you think? 


Posted on September 8, 2014 .