Karma: (noun) - Destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
Now when you read that definition and think about the word karma, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Was it something negative? Was it a moment when someone did something to you and your first thought was “Karma’s going to bite you back for that, you just wait”? Well whatever you thought of I’m sure it came from a negative place based off the word itself. I don’t believe people realize that karma can also be used and identified in a positive light or outcome. I believe people, society, media, etc. doesn’t glorify the positive connotation of the word because we are becoming an impatient society where positive results or outcome often takes longer to occur or be acknowledge compared to a negative outcome or acknowledgment. We are so quick to criticize and thrive for a bad outcome to happen when we are hurt in all phases of life. Example, think about your last relationship, you cheated on your significant other, now you know you weren’t expecting to get caught but karma made sure you suffered in some manner, right? Or you were cheated on and you wanted badly for that person to suffer from the pain you have endured. So when is the last time you heard of good karma present in a relationship career, etc. Per Example, you do right by your significant other…… no present or visible outcome occurs, yes maybe the good karma was or will be that you will live a great life with that person, but even that’s not guaranteed, because fall-outs happen. But Good karma does exist in giving back. Results of good karma in this manner typically are in unexpected and un-expecting blessings you’ll never see coming. I just hope Good Karma is mentioned more in the world and not so much on bad karma! Positivity should be the most shed light! Not the darkness of Negativity.