Black Girl Magic with a sparkle of Panther Pride Pep talk

The Sheppard sisters Tai, Brooke and Rainn, along with mother Tonia Handy reflect on the road to the Junior Olympics. The family at times had to stay in homeless shelters and reveals how Jean Bell's Track Club changed their lives.

The Link for this wonderful story is Here -> The View Welcomes Junior Olympians The Sheppard Sisters, Tonia Handy and Coach Jean Bell

When I first started my new Job at a Charter School back in may, One of our teachers sent out an email regarding two students who were raising money to go the Junior Olympics in Texas. Without hesitation I donated and wanted to meet Tai and Rainn Sheppard to tell them my story about going to the Junior Olympics. It was pleasure to witness how humbled and mature these girls were with their unfortunate circumstance. I gladly donated some Virginia Union bags,sporting bottles, wristbands etc and told them “The Sky isn’t the limit for you, Go run towards your dreams!” So proud of these three ladies, their mother and the undeniable courage and humility they have. I look forward to following and continuing to support their journeys in life!

Posted on January 14, 2017 .