So You Were Not Offered The Job and No Feedback as to Why? Now What?

I’ve always speculated why during the interview process for a job and once you are denied that job you do not receive feedback and/or constructive criticism explaining why truly weren’t offered the position? Instead of receiving typical cliché’ statements like...“We have reviewed your resume and have carefully considered your qualifications. While your skills are certainly impressive, we have decided to pursue other candidates for this position.” (Clearly they weren’t that impressive enough to gain the job.) Why not receive realistic points they recommend we work on for the next interview with another employer?

Remember throughout your schooling years you would receive your essay, exams and projects back and you would get some short or long notes explaining the mistakes you made and what you should do for next time? I feel this should be applied in the corporate world. While yes at the end of the day it is a competition and should not be an employer’s job for us to figure it out, but I was already denied the job so by telling me what I need to improve on would not hinder any damage to the company itself.

No one wants to make the same mistake that costs them a job at these interviews. How would we know what to improve on if we don’t know what mistakes we’re making? Please Feel Free to chime in on this matter!


Posted on June 3, 2015 .